Programming in PHP and MySQL

Module Description

This course provides the knowledge necessary to design and develop dynamic, database-driven web pages using PHP that powers many websites. It originally started out as a way to make dynamic websites by generating html. Because of its roots, it is very easy to insert bits and pieces of PHP inside of standard HTML/XHTML code. Participants will be using MySQL which is a popular relational database management system. It is the standard database system available on web hosting sites. Although it works with many different programming languages, it is frequently paired with PHP.


Contents & Skill Set

Introduction to PHP
Evaluation of Php, Basic Syntax, Defining variable and constant, Php Data type, Operator and Expression.
Decisions and loop
Making Decisions, Doing Repetitive task with looping, Mixing Decisions and looping with Html.
What is a function, Define a function, Call by value and Call by reference, Recursive function, String Creating and accessing, String Searching & Replacing String, Formatting String, String Related Library function
Anatomy of an Array, Creating index based and Associative array Accessing array, Element Looping with Index based array, Looping with associative array using each () and foreach(), Some useful Library function.
Handling Html Form with Php
Capturing Form, Data Dealing with Multi-value filed, and Generating File uploaded form, redirecting a form after submission.
Working with file and Directories
Understanding file& directory, Opening and closing, a file, Coping, renaming and deleting a file, working with directories, Creating and deleting folder, File Uploading & Downloading
Session and Cookie
Introduction to Session Control, Session Functionality What is a Cookie, Setting Cookies with PHP. Using Cookies with Sessions, Deleting Cookies, Registering Session variables, Destroying the variables and Session.
Database Connectivity with MySql
Introduction to RDBMS, Connection with MySql Database, Performing basic database operation(DML) (Insert, Delete, Update, Select), Setting query parameter, Executing queryJoin (Cross joins, Inner joins, Outer Joins, Self joins.)
Exception Handling
Understanding Exception and error, Try, catch, throw. Error tracking and debugging.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, participants should be able to: List the major elements of the PHP & MySQL work and explain why PHP is good for web development. Learn how to take a static website and turn it into a dynamic website run from a database using PHP and MySQL.

Participants are required to do a project work as a part of the program. Project work should be in accordance with the project specifications provided by ICT Academy in consultation with the industry. The project work should be done in groups, with 4 or 5 participants in a group.

List the major elements of the PHP & MySQL work and explain why PHP is good for web development
Learn how to take a static website and turn it into a dynamic website run from a database using PHP and MySQL.
Analyze the basic structure of a PHP web application and be able to install and maintain the web server, compile, and run a simple web application.
Learn how databases work and how to design one, as well as how to use php MyAdmin to work with MySQL.
Learn different ways of connecting to MySQL through PHP, and how to create tables, enter data, select data, change data, and delete data. Connect to SQL Server and other data sources.


GCL 04
Developer Level
Digital Skills to Design and Develop, Language Base Products